miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013


Pastora is a Catalan group composed by Dolo Beltrán, Caïm Riba y Pauet Riba. They are pop psicodelic, and pop electronic musicians. They began their carreer in 1996 with the album 'Pastora'. They have got six albums since they began their carreer. The last album they made was 'Una altra galàxia' in 2012


 My opinion of pastora:
I don't like pop music, but I must say that this group is really good. They have very beautiful songs like 'Una altra galàxia' or 'Dolços somnis'. Dolo's voice is so beautiful and I like it very much. I think that this group isn't know as 'Gossos' or 'Sopa de Cabra'. I think that this group increased its public since they made the last album 'Una altra galàxia' c'cause it sounsed a lot last summer.

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